In an effort to reopen safely, several large event venues have selected and installed needlepoint bipolar ionization (NPBI®) technology from Global Plasma Solutions (GPS®), the leader in indoor air quality (IAQ) solutions, to enhance cleaning protocols in response to COVID-19. When the coronavirus first hit, theaters, conference and convention centers, arenas, stadiums and other venues quickly adopted enhanced cleaning policies but were swiftly forced to cancel events and close their doors as the country quarantined.
GPS-patented NPBI technology plays a pivotal role in efforts to reduce the spread of coronavirus when paired with a venue’s existing practices and cleaning technologies. NPBI technology delivers safer, cleaner indoor air by reducing harmful particles and pathogens including mold, bacteria, allergens and viruses and is highly effective in eliminating disease-causing pathogens, such as those responsible for COVID-19. GPS NPBI technology is the only product to achieve 99.8% efficacy after 30 minutes, based on independent laboratory testing.